F260 Bible Reading Plan

What is the F260 and Who Should Use It?

The F-260 is a two hundred and sixty day reading plan that highlights the foundational passages of Scripture that every disciple should know. After failed attempts of reading through the Bible in a year with previous discipleship groups, I wanted a manageable plan that believers who never read the Bible before could complete.

How Does It Work?

The plan expects believers to read 1 or 2 chapters a day for 5 days each week, with an allowance for weekends off. The 2 off-days a week are built in so you may catch up on days where you’re unable to read In order to digest more of the Word. The F-260 encourages believers to read less and to keep a H.E.A.R Journal

Memorizing the Word

While many plans for memorizing Scripture are effective, a simple system has been effective for me. All you need is a pack of index cards and a committed desire to memorize God’s Word. It’s easy: write the reference of the verse on one side of the card and the text of the verse on the other. Focus on five verses at a time, and carry your pack of Scripture cards with you.
Throughout the day, whenever you have a few minutes, pull out your pack of Scripture cards and review them. Read the reference first, followed by the verse. Continue to recite the verse until you get a feel for the flow of the passage. When you are comfortable with the text, look only at the reference side of the card in order to test your recall.


F260 Plan Other Replicate Resources
Book-at-a-Time Bible Reading Plan
The Navigators Book-at-a-Time Bible Reading Plan takes you through the entire Bible in one year, providing two readings for each day.
• The first reading alternates between Old and New Testament books with the Gospels spread throughout the year. The second reading takes you through a chapter of the wisdom literature and Isaiah.
• You can begin at any point of the year.
• Each month consists of twenty-five readings. You’ll have a few extra days each month to meditate more deeply on something that was significant to you in the past week, to catch up on missed readings, or to revisit favorite passages.
• If reading through the entire Bible in one year looms as too large a task, you can alter the plan to meet your needs. For example, you could read the first reading this year and the second reading next year.
In the year ahead, ask God each day to speak directly to you from the Scripture portions you read. Be expectant, and let your continual exposure to God’s Word reshape your attitudes and behavior as you gain a better understanding of every part of His written testimony to us.
Book-at-a-Time Bible Reading Plan Other Reading Plans
Devotional Resources
While devotionals are great tools, we must be careful because many on the market today take verses and passages out of context. Our Bible study should cause us to grow in our knowledge and love for God. This means that we work to accurately understand the biblical authors' original meaning and how the original audience would have interpreted those writings. Devotionals sometimes skip this step and go straight to application. If we are to properly apply the truth of Scripture to our lives, we first must understand the context of whatever it is we are reading.
Devotionals are also not meant to take the place of our own personal Bible study. It is not enough for us only to read devotionals and the thoughts of other men or women. We must dig into the Scriptures ourselves and let the Spirit of God speak to us personally. Because it is difficult to find solid devotional resources, we have listed a few below you can use to further your study. These resources work to give you devotional content that does not take the text out of context and encourages further study. 
Additionally, we provide weekly devotional resources that reflect on the prior week's sermon. These are emailed Monday through Friday and are located on our church app. 
Truth for Life Devotionals New Morning Mercies
ACTS Prayer Strategy
We want to assist you in cultivating a prayer life that helps you draw near to God. One way of doing that is using the acronym, ACTS, which will aid you in developing a balanced prayer life. It’s not a formula for praying but rather a guide to keep you focused on your relationship with God and communicating with him in a way that encourages intimacy.
Adoration is simply focusing on who God is and expressing awe and worship. Sometimes this is the hardest thing for us to do, but it is a necessary part of praying, because it focuses us on who God is and gives us the opportunity to make much of him. When we pray, it is essential that we know who we are talking to.
Confession is our response to the uncovering of who we are and what we have done. When we step into the light of God’s greatness, we recognize how we fall short of his glory. Confession is a great privilege, because it allows us to lay hold of the cleansing and forgiveness offered to us in Jesus. We may walk in filthy, but we can leave cleansed and forgiven.
Thanksgiving is a humble response to the generosity of God, acknowledging that every good and perfect gift comes from him. In spite of who we are and what we have done, God has been and continues to do us good. Thanksgiving recognizes that all we are and all we have is because of him. Gratitude puts us in the right frame of mind to ask, because it leads us to consider what God has done and what he is able to do.
Supplication is just the practice of asking. Jesus told us to ask, but he also modeled for us an asking that was submissive and surrendered. He delights to give and bless. Asking glorifies him. Asking humbles us. Asking opens the door for greater faith and draws us deep into the arms of our good God whose faithfulness and love never end.
Marriage Resources

Premarital Couples

At FBC, we care about building strong and healthy marriages. For that reason, we love coming alongside premarital couples in their journey. To better equip young couples, we have a premarital program to prepare them for marriage (see link below). Note that pastors must approve couples for the program and will agree or disagree to perform counseling or ceremonies based on a number of biblical principles. If you would like a pastor at FBC to counsel and perform the wedding ceremony, note that the counseling and planning take about 5 to 6 months to complete. See the premarital counseling workbook for more information.

Married Couples

Because we care about marriage, we have partnered with FamilyLife to provide members with a number of resources to strengthen marriages. Of those resources, Weekend to Remember conferences give premarital, newlyweds, and veteran marriages an opportunity to grow together. Conferences happen all year long across multiple cities. As a partner, we are also able to offer $100 off tickets by using our group code "CSFBC." Use the link below to learn more. 
In addition, we plan annual small groups and weekend conferences for married couples. Stay connected to our events to stay up to date.



Premarital Counseling Workbook Weekend to Remember
Resource Center

Be sure to visit our resource area and check out all the resources we provide for you. Currently, we have books by 9 Marks that help answer important questions you may have about church, spiritual growth, and so much more. We also have other resources you can take for yourself or give to others. 

Other Resources